How to get more inspiration

Book Selector Wood
3 min readFeb 18, 2022

Inspiration is something so important to writer but also very easy to lack. Many of us sit in front of the desk for hours to think of something to write on. After my one month challenge, I found that it is not that hard to find inspiration.

1/ Read More

Read is the most important input to writer. Stephen King once wrote in his book “On Writing”

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot .”

Reading can gives us new knowledge, let us learn about how to write and express in a neat way. It is also a great way to train our imagination, and learn how to look at incidents with multiple perspective.

Read is the most important source of input for a writer.

You may say, I spent a lot of time reading articles online. But things written online are knowledge that still need to be edited and compiled into a bigger system. Books have that done, so don’t forget to read books too.

2/ Observe More

When we are walking around, we tends to look at the phone but not the view, not other humann being. We are somehow so disconnected to our surroundings although we look like very connected to the world.

Even during lockdown, we can observe and care for our family more. Talk with whem, they might surprise you. Especially your child, child can always look at things purely, while adults always added a lot of filter and opinions while we observe.

Look at the world, observe other, think about it

This is how inspiration comes. Not by siting in front of the desk moaning.

3/ Try more

Try to do something new, learn something new. Take some time to focus on how yourself feel during these small challenges to yourself. Take myself as an example, I feel delighted when learning how to draw with procreate, relaxed when trying to improve my writings. But when I try to learn calculus again, my head still kills me.

Then share about it, your progress, what you gain, how you feel. Why these feelings happens?

For me, I have bad memoriest during the time I learn calculus. So I am trying to avoid it, and when I force myself to face it and try overcome it. I am still emotionally overwhemled. This is the reason my heads hurts like hell when i try something i knew. And I actually wrote about this on Matters, and have great feedbacks.

You can always give yourself some little challenge to freshen up life.

If you are wondering how to focus on our own emotions, go check out my past article on mindfulness and meditation.

Hope I can help you with writers’ block. If you have any great tricks too, comment below and let me know. Share this article to other if you like this.



Book Selector Wood

Jazz lover | Digital Marketing Experts | Bibliotherapy | Reader and Writer | A daughter